Water can bring life

Lack of water—or being forced to drink unhealthy water—is the biggest single cause of disease and death in the world today. Giving people clean water allows them to flourish. Crops can be grown, communities can be developed, families can bathe, and children who otherwise spend all day searching for water would have a chance to get an education or training. Water can bring life to barren lives just as it can cause the desert to bloom.

God’s promises about eternity are as certain as our salvation. There is no need to doubt what God says. While we may not understand everything in our lives, or ever agree on how to the future will play out, we can agree that Jesus is coming back to take us to heaven to be with him forever.

We can have confidence in God’s promises for the future. The Holy Spirit testifies daily to the fact that all of God’s promises will come true “to the promise of His glory.”

God’s promise to me: I gave you my Spirit as a guarantee that I will give you eerything else I promised. You can be confident in all of my promises for the future.