Our Offering

Paul was grateful to the Corinthian believers for their generosity and sacrificial attitude to the Macedonia churches. It's just amazing when we don't only give our money as offering, but also give ourselves. The Corinthian believers first gave themselves and then keenly gave to others. I wonder how many of us are willing to write down our name and put it in the offering plate.

Romans 12:1 says we should offer all of ourselves as a sacrifice to God. This means living for God outside of church. It means being willing to give money, but it also means being ready to love anyone God brings across your path. It means being willing to use any resource you have for His kingdom.

Jesus became poor through giving Himself for others, so that we through His poverty might be rich. So next time you’re in church and the offering plate comes around, I encourage you to tell God that you’re putting yourself all in for Him!

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians Chapter 8.0