The Still, Small Voice

We find peace in our lives when we simply obey God’s promptings as they come to us daily. We know the promptings as a deep, small voice that advices us as to what to do. First Kings 19:11–12 refers to this knowing as a still, small voice.

The Lord’s promptings came to Elijah as a sound of gentle stillness and a still, small voice. Sometimes the promptings don’t have to be a voice at all, but often they give direction by speaking to our hearts rather than our ears.

When we have simply learned to listen to God and do what He says, we discover that things will go well for us. No matter what the situation, we need to listen to God and obey His voice. You may not understand the reasons why God is asking you to do certain things, but as you listen to His voice and obey His direction, you can experience a peaceful calmness.

So prepare yourself and wait for that voice to lead you into all things. For there is a reason He is speaking to you.

Scripture Reading : 1 Kings Chapter 19.9–18

Daily Inspirational Quote:

Know in your heart that all things are possible. We couldn't conceive of a miracle if none had ever happened.
—Libbie Fudim