When We Are Beaten Down

When we are completely beaten down, we are tempted to turn from God, give up, and quit trusting him. When your situations seem hopeless, you should determine that no matter how bad things become, you will continue to pray. God will hear your prayer, and he will rescue you. When other reject us, we need God most. Don't turn from your most faithrul Friend. (Ps 69:13)

God cares for the needy, the afflicted, and the weak because they are precious to him. If God feels so strongly about these needy ones and lovs them so deeply, how can we ignore their plight? Examine what you are doing to reach out with God’s love. Are you ignoring their plight, or are you meeting their needs? (Ps 72: 12–14)

God, you have given us the Gospel so that we may show it and share it. Help us to see beyond our problems this day to our real purpose—building your kingdom. Give us the creativity to speak to You.